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Langley Impaired Driving (IRP) Lawyer

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Aman Jaswal

23277 Mary Avenue

(778) 652-9038

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Protect Your Future. Get Expert DUI Defence. Call Now.

We understand how stressful and uncertain facing a DUI charge can be, especially when your driver’s license—and potentially your livelihood—is on the line. Aman Jaswal has the expertise to successfully defend you.

He commits to: 

  • Take every possible step to protect your driver’s license, knowing how critical it is for your job, family, and day-to-day life.
  • Carefully review your case to determine if the State can prove the charges against you. Sometimes, they simply can’t.
  • We will stand by your side and explore every available defence to protect your rights. If there is a defence, we will find it.
  • Representing you against the State, prosecutors, and law enforcement, with a focus on the unique aspects of DUI cases, including testing procedures and evidence.
  • Keep you informed at every stage so you always understand your best options.
  • Defend you with our total effort and expertise, treating your case with the care and attention it deserves.
  • Fight tirelessly for the best possible outcome because we know how a DUI charge can affect your future and your ability to work, support your family, and maintain your independence.

Contact us for the first step toward peace of mind, and we’ll start helping you immediately.

Let DUI / impaired driving lawyer Aman Jaswal get your life back on track.

If you have been charged with impaired driving or DUI, you are facing more than just the possible suspension of your driver’s licence.

When facing impaired driving charges, it is imperative that you fully understand all of the possible penalties and consequences of a conviction in order to make an informed decision about how to proceed.

This is a stressful time for you. People under stress often make poor decisions because they’re not thinking clearly. Don’t make that mistake. Seek help from an experienced DUI lawyer in Langley, Aman Jaswal and feel secure in the knowledge that you have an expert looking out for your interests.

In the Langley area, Aman Jaswal has helped many in your situation to successfully fight the impaired driving charges against them. Don’t wait any longer. Call Aman Jaswal today at (778) 652-9038 to get the essential information that you need to address your impaired driving charges successfully.

What is impaired driving? What is DUI?

Impaired driving is a criminal offence pursuant to the Criminal Code of Canada. The offence occurs when a driver operates a vehicle while his or her ability to do so is impaired by the use of alcohol or drugs. DUI (or driving under the influence) is simply a colloquial term for the same offence.

A distinct but related offence is “driving over .08”, which occurs when a driver operates a vehicle with a blood-alcohol ratio of over 80 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood. Other related charges include:

  • Refusing to provide a breath sample.
  • Impaired driving causing death or bodily harm.
  • Driving over .08 causing death or bodily harm.

Aman Jaswal can help if you are facing charges of driving over .08 or any charges related to impaired driving in Canada.

Langley Impaired Driving (IRP) Lawyer

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Aman Jaswal

23277 Mary Avenue

(778) 652-9038

FREE Consultation

Read More About Aman

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This confidential information will be forwarded for Aman's immediate review.

Drinking and driving is NOT against the law.

You might think that your situation is hopeless because you had a drink before driving or because you failed the breath test. Think again.

In Canada, drinking and driving alone is not against the law. Breath tests are often inaccurate or deemed unreliable and excluded from evidence.

A lot of common assumptions about impaired driving law in Canada are wrong. Don’t let these misconceptions negatively impact your entire future. Contact Aman Jaswal and become informed about the charges that you face and the best course of action for you.

Get the facts before entering a plea.

Facing impaired driving charges is a stressful situation. You may have stopped thinking clearly and just want to put the whole situation in your past. The worst thing you can do at this point is to plead guilty so that you can get the ordeal over with.

Impaired driving is a criminal charge. A criminal record can affect your ability to work and travel. If convicted, you face significant fines and possible jail time. Even after the suspension of your driver’s licence is lifted, you may find that your insurance rates are prohibitively high, preventing you from driving for years.

Fortunately, you don’t have to face these possible consequences alone. There’s help and there’s hope.  Aman Jaswal can assess your case and will fully explain the following:

  • Impaired driving charges are difficult to prove and it is the prosecutor’s job to prove that you are guilty. They may not have sufficient evidence to prove the case against you.
  • You may have a defence that will cause your charges to be dismissed, even though it may not be apparent to you.
  • Even without a defence, you may be able to negotiate a plea to a lesser offence, like a traffic ticket.  Aman Jaswal can determine if this is an option in your case and get you the best possible result.
  • If you do proceed to trial, Aman Jaswal’s expertise and training will be crucial to preparing for and conducting the trial.

Never assume that the case against you is open and shut. Do not plead guilty until Aman Jaswal has reviewed your case.

Aman Jaswal can help you address the charges against you, starting today.

As a skilled impaired driving lawyer, Aman Jaswal will provide you with the knowledge that you need to make the best and most informed decisions about how to proceed. This is definitely a situation in which knowledge is power.

Understand that the sooner you act and contact Aman Jaswal, the better equipped you will be to deal with the charges against you effectively. The charges against you will not go away without help. You may be surprised how often Aman Jaswal is able to help clients successfully challenge their DUI charges.

Never assume that the case against you can be proved. Even if the police told you that you failed the breath test, do not plead guilty before you consult Aman Jaswal and find out if the charges against you can be dismissed or reduced.

The decisions you make today can affect you for the rest of your life. Take action now and call Aman Jaswal at (778) 652-9038 to get the help you need to deal with your impaired driving charges.