Frank Genesee

Genesee Martin and Associates

44 Queen St, , ON
N3T 3B4

Office: (343) 801-3416

Languages: English

Hours: Monday - Friday 9:30am - 5:00pm

Switchboard 24/7

Photo of Frank Genesee

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Being charged with impaired driving could change your life forever. From the moment you are pulled over, every action and decision you make counts, and can be used against you.  Your situation may seem hopeless, but to an experienced impaired driving lawyer, there is often a defence.  Legal strategies and defences are always available to reduce the consequences to you, or even cause the case to be thrown out completely.    The impaired driving laws are so complex that you would have no idea what result is even possible, unless you are well versed in all aspects of the law.  Don’t lose control of your future.  Align yourself with lawyers who are passionate about protecting you legal rights.

Frank Genesee has been successfully defending impaired driving clients in Brantford since 1974.  He knows the law.  His vast experience has allowed him to develop a creative and thorough method of reviewing each case.

When you hire Frank, you will also get the entire team of Genesee Martin working for you.  This firm really cares about their clients, and they combine their extensive experience together to ensure nothing is missed when handling your case. Preparation, Aptitude and Experience are all things that Frank and his team pride themselves on, which has led them to great success.

“You have given me a second chance at life.” That is what clients are saying about Genesee & Martin's legal work on their behalf. 
Call Frank now and take back control.

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